Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Money

For Christmas Popo got the boys a toy cash register complete with working keys, play money, grocery basket, apron, and items to purchase. We'v enjoyed swiping the fake credit card (since they always want to do mine and I won't let them), buying orange juice and ketchup, and making accurate change (Keahi, not Jarom). Money is fun.

Not having money is no fun.

I just got back from an emergency root canal.....the first of two needed. Last Saturday, Iz had his emergency root canal. Somehow we were fuzzy on how much the rest of the procedure was going to cost, but today it was all cleared up for me and now I'm seeing dollar signs everywhere. Apparently, even with insurance one root canal with crown will cost us almost $500. That's $1500 for the both of us. Holy rusted boulders, Batman. So for now we have the emergency procedure done so we can put off the rest for a few months to save up. We were supposed to go to San Diego in April. The boys are so excited about Legoland and Sea World. And sometime or other we'd love to go back home. Poor Iz hasn't been back in 2 years. I could just have them extract both teeth. It'd be cheaper. But I'd have two gaping holes which would make chewing uncomfortable on both sides of my mouth. Plus, if I wanted to get a bridge later one it'd cost $2000 each.

So I'm sitting there in the dentist office texting Iz about our options and realizing too late the simple lesson my parents tried to teach me and which we're attempting to teach the boys. Choices have consequences. I grew up watching my mom brush her fake tooth after eating at the food court at Ala Moana. She always had a mini toothbrush with her. Good hygiene. Bad teeth. I never really thought about it. It just seemed to my child's mind that things happened and then you got fake teeth. No big deal. Now I know better.

Now I know that my thoughtless decision to stay up late snacking on junk food till I'm exhausted and fall into bed without brushing my teeth has led to telling the boys we'll have to skip San Diego. And goodbye Hawaii. And goodbye bigger house. Mom, now I get it. If this, then that. I just wish I could go back to playing with fake money.