Monday, October 3, 2011

And more from Jarom

I used to feel guilty that so many blog posts and quotes on the side were about Keahi and now I'm making up for it. It helps that Jarom never stops talking so that there's always some funny tidbit to share.
I love that he absorbs what people are saying even when you think he's off in lala-land. After Sunday's general conference he remembered more details about the talks than Keahi did--and that's while throwing his stuffed Lightning Mcqueen around and roaming the house looking for things to eat. And he doesn't just regurgitate what he's learned. He likes to throw out new words into his conversations and use his knowledge to be funny. Here's a few examples.

After Iz had taken off his shoes at the end of his long workday, Jarom sniffed and said, "Daddy, your feet smell like a man from Tyre!" At first Iz was confused and though Jarom had said his feet were tired. Then he discovered Jarom remembered learning about the Phoenicians a couple months ago and about the purple dye made from snails that really smelled awful. What a way to deliver an insult. Now if he can just start using Shakespearean insults, Popo would be so proud.

This morning he was spinning groups of three magnetic balls on the table and then excited noticed that the center one stayed in place while the outer ones spun around it. He yelled, "Look, mommy, an eccentric orbit!" Of course, he used the word incorrectly and his big brother was quick to correct his understanding of the different orbits; but, really, how many barely 5 year olds have even heard of an eccentric orbit? And I've never actually taught him about it so it's another example of him picking up things from listening to things around him.

Tonight I was eating copious amounts of pudding which apparently upset Jarom who hadn't gotten much yet. "Mommy, that's too much sugar for you and the baby. Just one more bite and that's it. What, are you getting ready for winter or something?" Said with the perfect amount of sarcasm.

He's such a bright, funny little boy. I love him and love to see and hear what he comes up with. If only he also had a silent mode. And an obedient mode. Sigh, you can't have everything.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jarom says...

I haven't gotten around to fixing the quotes of the day side bar thingy, but here are a few recent keepers from Jarom:

"Mommy, my stomach doesn't want food anymore. It's crying out for fun!"
He really does think--and apparently feel--with his stomach.

"I need three extra hugs and kisses, mommy. Then when I have a nightmare, I know you'll always be with me."
Wow, so articulate and charming. He could say this and get 50 extra hugs and kisses.

Alma: Why do you like pickles, Jarom?
Jarom: Because my taste buds haven't decided not to like them.

I love that he tries to answer these kinds of questions seriously.

"This nori is wickedly tasty."
He loves to use words he hears.


after going dark for months (we've been watching LOTS of 24), I'm breaking radio silence to announce:


With much prayer, finger crossing, and books on the subject, we've been blessed with our first girl. When we went into the doctor's office, the boys were insisting I had a boy and a girl inside of me. After gaining 14 pounds in the first 17 weeks, I was a bit nervous, too. Plus I kept thinking I might have felt a flutter but didn't want to really think about it before the ultrasound because what if I had lost the baby and was about to find out in front of the boys and Iz. But she checked and there was a heartbeat. Whew. Only one heartbeat. Double whew. Then she took us to a back room for a peak with the ultrasound (we were lucky because they actually make you make a separate appointment at a different location to do this but I asked if she'd do it today since Iz got off early from work for this, thereby losing any future opportunity to come with us to the doctor). And, there she was. The quiet, compassionate, brilliant, obedient girl I had special ordered. I wonder if there's a return policy if she backtalks me later. Here's to baby girl Temple.

Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Play Money

For Christmas Popo got the boys a toy cash register complete with working keys, play money, grocery basket, apron, and items to purchase. We'v enjoyed swiping the fake credit card (since they always want to do mine and I won't let them), buying orange juice and ketchup, and making accurate change (Keahi, not Jarom). Money is fun.

Not having money is no fun.

I just got back from an emergency root canal.....the first of two needed. Last Saturday, Iz had his emergency root canal. Somehow we were fuzzy on how much the rest of the procedure was going to cost, but today it was all cleared up for me and now I'm seeing dollar signs everywhere. Apparently, even with insurance one root canal with crown will cost us almost $500. That's $1500 for the both of us. Holy rusted boulders, Batman. So for now we have the emergency procedure done so we can put off the rest for a few months to save up. We were supposed to go to San Diego in April. The boys are so excited about Legoland and Sea World. And sometime or other we'd love to go back home. Poor Iz hasn't been back in 2 years. I could just have them extract both teeth. It'd be cheaper. But I'd have two gaping holes which would make chewing uncomfortable on both sides of my mouth. Plus, if I wanted to get a bridge later one it'd cost $2000 each.

So I'm sitting there in the dentist office texting Iz about our options and realizing too late the simple lesson my parents tried to teach me and which we're attempting to teach the boys. Choices have consequences. I grew up watching my mom brush her fake tooth after eating at the food court at Ala Moana. She always had a mini toothbrush with her. Good hygiene. Bad teeth. I never really thought about it. It just seemed to my child's mind that things happened and then you got fake teeth. No big deal. Now I know better.

Now I know that my thoughtless decision to stay up late snacking on junk food till I'm exhausted and fall into bed without brushing my teeth has led to telling the boys we'll have to skip San Diego. And goodbye Hawaii. And goodbye bigger house. Mom, now I get it. If this, then that. I just wish I could go back to playing with fake money.