Friday, May 2, 2008

A pretty good day

Today was D-day for the boys. Doctor visits with shots. But it turned out to be a pretty good experience on several levels. Here are a few snapshots that brightened the day.

Keahi was actually very excited about his doctor appointment since when we had accompanied Israel on his last visit Keahi was disappointed that he didn't get a shot like daddy. So when I told him this morning that we were going to the doctor he did his exuberant dance of jumping up and down (hmmm.. why do we bother adding that modifier when all jumping includes an up and a down)shouting YAY YAY YAY.

At a 4 year old check up they actually start doing the audiovisual testings which proved entertaining. Keahi did better at the eye test than I would have but he mumbled and whispered his answers so that I'm not really sure how the nurse interpreted anything. Then for his hearing test he never really got the knack of raising his hand when he heard the beep. It would either be delayed when he suddenly remembered what he was supposed to do or he'd wait till the nurse asked him if he'd heard it and then reply yes. I know this isn't translating well, but this is my journal and I'll remember how hilarious it was and how patient that nurse had to be.

After all that Keahi actually requested his shots. 4 plus a hemoglobin test. Not one tear or complaint the whole time. He was fascinated by the needles and watching his skin bump up for the TB shot. He never moved or touched the needles. After it was over, he made sure I noticed his good behavior, detailing each instruction he'd followed. He left the room smiling and covered in colorful band-aids and stickers.(When I mistakenly referred to Jarom's band-aids as stickers, he dutifully corrected me.)

When Jarom's turn came and he did try to move, grab the needles and wailed loudly, Keahi stroked his leg and told him, "It's not that bad, Jarom. It's really not that bad." I was prouder of that than his self-control during his turn.

Speaking of self-control, I had another proud moment right when I got out of bed. Lately Keahi has been getting up early (like 6:30) and going upstairs to popo who lets him watch tv till we get up. A few days ago she started giving him cereal, too. That's great since it takes him 2 hours to eat a bowl so he might as well get an early start. But I had a talk with him about how he's only allowed to watch morning cartoons on Saturday and that the Peanut Butter Cap'n Crunch cereal was supposed to be for dessert and not breakfast. So this morning when I got up and went upstairs I was pleasantly surprised to see Keahi sitting down eating his healthy cereal without the television. He happily informed me that he did not turn on the tv and that he had told popo that the round cereal balls were only for dessert so he had to eat the other one. Wow. I talked and he actually listened. Life is good.

Oh, and another funny part of the d-day was having my concerns about Jarom's development put to rest. According to the doctor, he's not slow. He's just normal. It's hard for us to gauge after Keahi. And apart from how Jarom is very demanding and prone to throwing things, I am very grateful for how good he is about cruising in his stroller while we play ultimate frisbee. I had thought it would be impossible to play with 2 kids on the sidelines without supervision, but the boys do great. Jarom has sat for up to 2 hours watching us go back and forth on the field. I really love my boys.

Lest you think that the day was all sunshine and daisies, Keahi still had his share of tantrums and blatant defiance. And Jarom is still a champion screamer. But it's nice to remember that they're really good kids at heart.


Maren said...

How cute is that? Keahi helping his little brother! Awww! So cute. I can't believe he's 4! Holy Moly!

PS, Happy Mother's day on Sunday! Love ya!

Anonymous said...

I hadn't checked your blog for a while and was happy to see an update! I'm proud of Keahi, too, for obeying you so well at the doctors and with his morning routines. Also, gotta love the new quote about the ant-eater! I'm gonna miss you so much when you go, but I hope you are able to keep the blog going!

Melinda said...

hi guys. this is a nice post. i'm happy to hear how cheerful keahi was at the dr. office. and yes, it is nice when they listen to us talking. jarom is so cute. such a butterball. i'd love to hug him all day! we miss you sooooo much.