Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Gastronomical Anomaly

I know the last post was about breakfast and not the move or the new place but I just thought this was so cute so I had to memorialize it.

Today for breakfast Jarom requested:
-4 slices of salami...no bread
-a banana
-4 umes

I kept offering cereal but received endless stream of "No, thank you" followed by the next bizarre request. I think if he threw in a few slices of wax paper and a side order of rubber bands he'd be Gregory the Terrible Eater.


beth said...

Haha! I could see him doing that. But what are umes?

cailin said...

Umes are a Japanese kind of preserved plum--very salty. And since we've been in Vegas he's also requested a pickle with every meal. Yesterday it was a peanut butter sandwich with a pickle and salami on the side. Maybe he's pregnant. But just now he asked for carrots, celery and tomato for snack so at least he's got healthy cravings.