Sunday, June 20, 2010

Happy Father's Day!

To celebrate Father's Day we started a day early and had an awesome dinner.....made by daddy, of course (isn't the honored subject supposed to provide the meal?) with kalbi (made on our craigslist smoke 'n grill gem of a find), asparagus, bell peppers, mushrooms with our favorite lime butter sauce, and the bottle of Takwan we brought with us on our 4 day journey from Michigan. Actually, we planned on this meal being on Saturday since Iz's hospital had a dinner party planned for Sunday.....which we ended up skipping because we didn't really feel like mingling with strangers and attempting to keep our kids from breaking anything valuable at the hosting doctor's house (breaking the boss' one-of-a-kind souvenier from his trip to Zimbabwe---Yikes!). So I guess dodging that party was also how we celebrated Father's Day. I also took the kids to the library for a special Hooray for Dad storytime where they made crafts from shaving cream clay. I have no idea what Iz will do with them. Maybe I'll mount magnets on them and the go on the fridge. But it's the thought that counts. And they both made him awesome cards. Keahi even asked him the night before to sleep in so he could make another one in the morning.

And he deserves it. I love my husband. He's a good man and a good father. The fact that he questions both only solidifies it. He's kind. Honest. Works hard to provide for his family. And everyone in the family agrees that he's an excellent dancer. Here's to the father of my children. Who would rescue his sons even from gorilla robot pirates from Mars (like in the book he's reading to the kids here--pretty cool one if you're interested in finding it at the library). Hope all kids are as lucky as mine.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Another Gastronomical Anomaly

I know the last post was about breakfast and not the move or the new place but I just thought this was so cute so I had to memorialize it.

Today for breakfast Jarom requested:
-4 slices of bread
-a banana
-4 umes

I kept offering cereal but received endless stream of "No, thank you" followed by the next bizarre request. I think if he threw in a few slices of wax paper and a side order of rubber bands he'd be Gregory the Terrible Eater.

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

The Oshima Stomach

Apparently my boys inherited the Oshima Stomach (we can eat anything at any time--there's no distinct breakfast food). Take this morning for example. I'm pretty lazy about breakfast so they usually have dry cereal or cereal bars. And we keep them within reach so they can get it themselves. So today while I'm trying to do last minute packing up, the kids found the chocolate granola bars that were meant for the grownups. But I shrugged my shoulders and let them have at it. Then five minutes later Jarom brings me a bag of opened spicy pork rinds that were on the counter and asks if this can be for breakfast, too. Sure, why not. So the boys' last breakfast in Michigan consisted of chocolate granola bars and spicy pork rinds. Kervin and Tammy would be so proud.