Saturday, October 27, 2007

pumkins in grenada

It's a bit odd that Keahi's first pumpkin carving experience was here in Grenada where no one celebates Halloween. Instead they celebrate All Saints' Day on Nov. 1st when everyone goes to the graveyards to put flowers on loved ones' graves. But we Americans like our commercialized holidays--especially if it involves candy.

So our friends the Weirs introduced Keahi to the joys of carving pumpkins. Or rather acorn squash or some other variety that passes for pumpkin here. At first Keahi's face was very tiny and uncutable--you can see it between the final cut eyes. But eventually this charmingly lopsided quirky jack-o-lantern emerged.

While his big brother scooped seeds, Jarom wandered about or occupied himself with Sara's cabinets. And he broke a vase. Already following in his older brother's destructive footsteps.

He loved it so much we held on to it till bacteria had almost done it in. Actually this last lighting sucked the lid in. I can't wait till next Wed. when Keahi gets to trick or treat on campus.

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