Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Jarom's subconscious view of the world

Took me 2 months to finally finish this with pics.

Jarom is far more into pretending and imagining things than Keahi was at this age. He surprises me with his comments as we walk around town. He got all excited and started babbling about all the Wal-es and it took me a while to figure out he was talking about this fence.

And he calls this stoop's decorative handrail peanut butter(actually here's a pic of "Nutella" since I forgot to take a pic of the peanut butter one--which was lighter and more stylized). I love the way his mind works. (Of course, then you compare his seeing pretend peanut butter to Keahi's exclamation that a particular tree looks like bacteria.) And it's even more fascinating how he sees his family.

He is Cars. He doesn't call himself Lightning McQueen. Just Cars. The title of the movie, the center of everything. Then he calls me Chic--which I'm taking as a comment about my gender (even though he's never heard of girls being called chicks) instead of a comment on how much of a bully I am. Iz is Doc Hudson. Again, very appropriate. And Keahi is Mr. The King. Yeah, Keahi's got no problem with his designation.

This is what he calls us all the time. When I call him Jarom he says, "No, I'm not Jarom. I'm Cars." Or if I'm lucky he remembers to ask politely for me to call him by what he will legally be called as soon as he's capable of changing it. But recently he decided we were also like a family of planets. He quickly called me Venus. Hey, I'm okay with that one. Iz is Mars. Jarom is Earth. And Keahi is Jupiter. Yeah, somehow without any knowledge of Roman gods Jarom has pegged us pretty well. How'd he do that?


Maren said...

What a funny little kid. Did he read a Dr. John Gray book in the recent past? How did he do that?

Arron said...

Have I told you how much I adore you kids? I love hearing about how they are growing up. How appropriate that Jarom is waxing creative. I wish I could be there to enjoy that.

Hope the move went well.