Sunday, August 21, 2011


after going dark for months (we've been watching LOTS of 24), I'm breaking radio silence to announce:


With much prayer, finger crossing, and books on the subject, we've been blessed with our first girl. When we went into the doctor's office, the boys were insisting I had a boy and a girl inside of me. After gaining 14 pounds in the first 17 weeks, I was a bit nervous, too. Plus I kept thinking I might have felt a flutter but didn't want to really think about it before the ultrasound because what if I had lost the baby and was about to find out in front of the boys and Iz. But she checked and there was a heartbeat. Whew. Only one heartbeat. Double whew. Then she took us to a back room for a peak with the ultrasound (we were lucky because they actually make you make a separate appointment at a different location to do this but I asked if she'd do it today since Iz got off early from work for this, thereby losing any future opportunity to come with us to the doctor). And, there she was. The quiet, compassionate, brilliant, obedient girl I had special ordered. I wonder if there's a return policy if she backtalks me later. Here's to baby girl Temple.


Mariko said...

I was wondering if there was something in the works. That is a long-time kept secret!
Congratulations. I'm glad you got what you wanted.
Books on the subject? Do you mean that you used some secret technique to get a girl?
I need more details. I think.

Maren said...

When are you due??? Congratulations!! Baby girl Temple!

cailin said...

I'm due Jan 14th. I know I've been sitting on this for a while. I suppose I was thinking I would catch up on all the other things over the last 6 months but never got around to it.

The book we used was Dr. Shettle's Method of How to Choose the Sex of Your Baby. Now we can add our own anecdotal evidence to this dubious "science."

Arron said...

AWESOME!! That just made my day. I love that there will be more Temple's on this earth. That gives me hope. Love you all!

Unknown said...

Shettles got us 2 baby girls, the first in Troy's family for 60 years! Rock on, Dr. Shettles! I won't tell you that the 2nd one is the most challenging of our 3 children....congratulations my dear-I'm VERY happy for you.

Lisa Wolf Smith said...

Congratulations!!!! That is so exciting!