Sunday, August 21, 2011

Jarom says...

I haven't gotten around to fixing the quotes of the day side bar thingy, but here are a few recent keepers from Jarom:

"Mommy, my stomach doesn't want food anymore. It's crying out for fun!"
He really does think--and apparently feel--with his stomach.

"I need three extra hugs and kisses, mommy. Then when I have a nightmare, I know you'll always be with me."
Wow, so articulate and charming. He could say this and get 50 extra hugs and kisses.

Alma: Why do you like pickles, Jarom?
Jarom: Because my taste buds haven't decided not to like them.

I love that he tries to answer these kinds of questions seriously.

"This nori is wickedly tasty."
He loves to use words he hears.


Robbie said...

Good job writing those down and sharing them! I love Jarom! Wish I could be there to hear some of his sentences in person! xoxo, Auntie Robbie

Robin Temple said...

Congratulations, you guys! A Girl!!