Wednesday, November 14, 2007

A Crisis of Whose-Line-is-it-Anyway Proportions

So for some reason our picasa isn't working right now so I haven't been able to load any new pics from our camera. Hence, the delayed birthday post. And now I've realized that my blogs are really glorified picture albums and without my pics I've got nothing to say. So much for my almost 29 years of speaking the English language and a BA in the same. I guess I'm still scarred from that A- in Communications 101. So anyhow, until my picasa is up and running you'll have to make do with my semi-coherent ramblings. I thought since we'll be leaving Grenada in a month I might make a list of the things I'll miss (and not miss) about this lovely island.

Things I'll Miss:

-Ting (a grapefruit soda similar to Squirt with more natural flavor)

-GAP (that's Grand Anse Playgroup and not the store--who can beat daycare from 7:30 (as if I'd ever be out of the house that early) to 1pm for the low low cost of 5EC--that's less than $2)

-ugli fruit--heck even the name is fun

-the branch (especially the children and the Cummings family and all the awesome sisters)

-kids running up to me to ask if I'm "Chinee"

-Girls' night out (but, hey, maybe back home we'll have more date nights instead)

-full grown men wearing rasta colored jelly shoes (rasta colors are everywhere so why not shoes--I guess that would be like everyone back home wearing stars and stripes sandals like my mom) (I feel like I'm back in the 80s every time I see jelly shoes)

-Iz says he'll miss seeing creepy, old, surprisingly muscular men with no shirts and crazy eyes, packin machetes on the side of the road.

-the reggae busses (to read their window signs, not riding in them--for a cool post with pics see the Johnston's blog)

-shaking my fist at "Dirty Red" each time it passes by (that's the reggae bus that rearended Iz and never finished paying for the damages)

-Nick Donuts, the plain glazed mostly. Nice!


-the unsolicited parental advice from total strangers--old ladies to teenage kids (including how to hold a baby's head, how to teach Jarom how to walk as if we never figured that out with Keahi, and one woman asking me if my crying baby was spoiled)

-people knocking then walking into my house before I'm ready (with Keahi loudly asking why mommy is putting on clothes)

-Salt Fish, and the smell that permeates everything in every corner of the supermarket.

-crazy drivers who stop suddenly in the middle of a turnabout to chat with a friend, park on the side of a cement truck that's already blocking traffic so they can wash the cement that flicked on their car--causing one-way traffic that has to climb onto the curb to go around, and who yell or make a fuss anytime an American driver so much as pulls over to pick someone up

-having a landlady living in the same house (from now on I want my own space--no landlords on the premises, no duplexes, triplexes or anything)

-laundry scheduling dependant on the mercurial weather

-humidity (I thought tropical was tropical but boy was I wrong)


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Woah, you really do seem excited to move back to Hawaii. will you be living with your mom?

Mariko said...

Ooooo. I'm missing Ting and I've never even had it. I've never liked 'pop' (yes, it's pop) but I've recently discovered multicultural pop. Soda from other countries tastes way better for some reason.
And HEY! We better have some girls' nights out. I'm counting on it. Although I know Jake hates it. He and Iz can have guys day out, like usual.

IZ said...

What are you implying, that Jake and I always shaft you girls to go have fun? Nah. We never do that.

and "soda" does taste better from other countries. I remember how good sprite and coke tasted to me while we were in mexico. And I like brazilian soda's too. And Italy has the best orange soda. Man my life is boring, here I am fantasizing about "soda's from around the world (do your best Robin Leech style accent while reading)." Get a life, loser!