Friday, November 30, 2007

No Pushing Here

So I've had several well-intentioned people advise me not to push Keahi so hard once they've heard that he can read already. When I insist that I'm not making Keahi do anything and that he loves to learn, they give me this sideways glance and half-smile that makes me want to continue to defend myself. But I know there's nothing I can say to change their minds that I'm a nazi mother who crams learning into my poor fun-deprived kid. Part of me knows it doesn't matter what they think but another part of me resents that they don't believe me. So I let it drop. It doesn't help that Keahi won't read to his teachers at GAP. He tells me that nobody does that. But then at home I have to drag him away from his books to make him play outside. While I still can't upload pics or vids to provide evidence on my behalf, I can relate a little conversation I had with Keahi yesterday.

When Keahi and I get Jarom from his afternoon nap we spend some time in his room playing together. Keahi loves this time--swooping through the curtains and crashing cars with his brother. Yesterday after about 5 minutes he said, "Mommy, may I have a short play time today so I can do my writing activity before dinner?" So we looked at the clock and I said after 10 more minutes we could go out to the table to do a writing activity.

And this is not an unusual occurance. He hates to have his online calendar and reading activities interrupted even for fun things like playgroup or pool days and he always remembers what story he was on. Is it my fault he likes to read and learn stuff? I swear I'm not the one pushing him to read chapter books, learn state capitals, or obsess about whale sharks. Now I expect to recieve sideways glances through the ether. But that's okay. I'm proud of my kid and that's that.


Maren said...

I think its adorable that he loves learning, reading, and all that smarty-pants stuff. You can't blame him, really... Look at how smart his parents are. It's in his genes! :) I'm sure he feels loved, so really... you're not doing anything wrong!

Natalie R. said...

Hey Cailin and family, long time no see!! We love the blog, it's so great catching up with what you've been up to! Can you believe you're almost done with Grenada?

As far as Keahi wanting to learn, that's awesome!! I see absolutely nothing wrong with a kid wanting to learn, tell him to keep it up. :0)

Keep in touch!

Natalie R. said...

PS - Every time I watch Episode III, I think about watching it with you on my birthday! That was so much fun. :0)

Melinda said...

we're proud of your kid, too. and that's that. do you do online reading activities? where? ella has fun with and a little paint/stamp program we have, but if you have favorites, please share!
enjoy your last days there...

IZ said...

Hey Meli,

We will check out PBSkids, sounds fun. Keahi loves to do reading activities at (www, of course), they have all kinds of interactive flash cartoons geared towards teaching the kids to read, step by step. And it has activities for every level, so it is good for their whole learning process. Check it out. Keahi won't let a day go by without it.

Robbie said...

Yeah, for real! I can witness that Keahi definitely has the urge to learn non-stop! I saw how he was so content drawing with chalk on the sidewalk at 18-20 months old, counting each mark he made up to 20! I can't wait for him to come back--do you think he will still like playing Airplane with me?

Mariko said...

In defense of those crazy mothers, insecurity is a strange force. I really feel awful when mothers (of children around Amaya's age) point out all the wonderful things their kids do, and I think, "well, Amaya's not doing that." It certainly stirs up some outrageous thoughts, which I'm sure you know what I mean.
Keahi is obviously carries on the lineage of genius all on his own. :)
I'm so EXCITED you guys will be here in a week.
Want to run the Aloha Run with me? Puhleeeze?

IZ said...

Aloha run!!!!! you mean, like, exercise??? Do you like my redundant use of punctuation??? How long is it? Do I get to wear a speedo? I think my gut would provide an akward sense of balance, I don't know if my body is capable of running anymore. As long as they have ambulances on hand, I guess I wouldn't mind spending an afternoon in the hospital, er, running. When is it, and will I have any time to train? Or were you not even inviting me, only cailin? Be clear, man!!! Er, WOman!!!

About keahi, you know, he has his strengths, but boy can I empathize with you sentiments about feeling bad about things with which he doesn't measure up to his peers. I catch myself saying all the time, "why can't he be (blank) like (so-and-so). I think it is parent nature to wonder why your kids are at the same level as others in one regard or another, but in so doing, I think we short change them by not acknowledging the things they do excel at. And now with 2 kids, we find ourselves comparing Jarom to keahi, and vice-versa. Like, jarom doesn't sign as much, or isn't talking as early, or keahi never (or still does not) eat as well, or whatever. You're not alone, and we're hardly in the minority.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Hey I don't care what people think. I'm just glad Keahi took some time to explain all the different phases of the moon to me one afternoon. He was so passionate about it I just wanted to hear more. Plus I also didn't know all the details he knew. he's an amazing kid and he's super duper fun. And...he likes to play the piano. He'll be fine.