Thursday, February 26, 2009

Conversation with Keahi

After talking with another mom from PS321 while we watched the kids frolic on the shrunken bit of ice along the school fence, I felt like a schmuck of mom who doesn't send her kid to violin lessons at the conservatory or sign him up for soccer or art lessons or whatever else parents with money in the city do. So on the brief walk back the apartment, I decided to talk to Keahi to see if he felt he was lacking in some area. Of course, I wasn't going to bring up violin lessons because I know we can't afford either the lessons or even the instrument so I headed in the sports direction.
"Keahi, I know a lot of your friends do different activities after school. When it warms up a bit, would you like to join a soccer team?"
"No, mommy," he replies with a slightly confused look, "I'm going to be a scientist when I grow up."
"Okaaay. So what about right now. Don't you want to run around with the other kids and kick a ball about? Daddy loved playing soccer when he was little."
"No. I want to play tennis."
Who is this kid and what does he even know about tennis and who has he seen playing tennis--certainly not his parents.
"I think the racket might be a bit heavy for you and the net is tall and I just think it's something that older kids might do."
"Okay. Then when I'm older, I'll play tennis."
"Well, what about while you're still little? Would you like to do karate or some other martial art?" (I know at least 3 of his classmates do this every week so at least I could get names of places.)
"No. When I'm 7 or 8 I'll play tennis."
So I gave up. Later after relating all this to Iz we talked to Keahi about what music he was interested in and he got very excited about the trumpet. So now we'll be on the lookout for cheap trumpets--one for Keahi and one for Iz so he can learn and teach Keahi. And in a couple of years, apparently, we'll have to look for a tennis racket. What a funny kid.


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

this is NOT to say that you should put your kid in any extra curriculum activities so take my advice as a grain of salt.

When we lived in Chicago I played the violin. My parents got me scholarship. I also had a scholarship for gymnastics and ballet. In Brazil I continued with Ballet and gymnastics but gave up on the violin. Enzo does music classes once a week because I barter with the program director. This is to say that you can possibly get ANYTHING for free for Keahi. especially in NYC there are so many resources and scholarships available for practically anything. At the same time I wouldn't push anything. If he really wants to do it he'll let you know and you guys will find a way.

Robbie said...

He is awesome! I can't believe he's so set on tennis and only tennis. I'm glad he accepted your explanation about not being old enough. Sorry you feel like you're not doing what all the other moms are doing for their 5 year olds. But hey, did any of them teach their sons to play the piano at age 2? So there!

beth said...

How funny. I do know a 3 year old who was obsessed with tennis and is now taking lessons. He refused to become potty trained, so his desperate parents promised him he could have tennis lessons if he was accident free for a week. That motivated him and now he's doing great in tennis.

IZ said...

a tennis racket is cheaper than a trumpet, maybe we should consider it after all ;)

Mariko said...

There ARE small tennis rackets.