Friday, March 20, 2009

I Have a 5 Year Old!

I know, trust me to make the title all about me and not about this fantastic little man who's been counting down the days till the big event. Yesterday he told me "This is the last day I will be 4 years old." And this morning he didn't greet me as I'd expected with an announcement of this being the first day he's 5. Instead, in true Keahi fashion, he led with an observation of how he saw green sparks when he rubbed Hadda (the pink hippo Jarom got for Christmas from popo) and how that was electricity. Which then led to Jarom asking for a Sparkle--meaning the Wint-o-mint Lifesaver that I'd given to him weeks ago to show him the "lightning" in the dark when you crunch them.

I love watching my boys grow and seeing what's important to Keahi as he stretches himself into his new 5 year old status. Leading up to the big day, he reminded me about how important it was to bring cupcakes to his class because everyone gets cupcakes on their birthday. He had previously decided that the training wheels would come off his bike when he turned 5 and then he would then need a helmet because that's what it said on his bike. And he's expecting to now receive 5 of everything he used to get only 4 of before. Like 5 smartie candies. Or 5 jelly beans. And whatever treats we ration out like hypocrites as we gorge ourselves in semi-secret.

And my new favorite discovery of Keahi's growing awareness of his place among his equally mature peers: nosepicking. He'll pick his nose till it bleeds at home but never does it at school in front of his friends. I think he saves up all his picking urges to indulge himself in the privacy of his own home because his mother telling him to stop is far less embarrasing than his teacher saying the same thing. It's nice to know where I rank.

But I digress. My nosepicking, brilliant, daring, budding scientist of a son is now 5. What a trip.

I'll finish this post tomorrow after his party. I'm praying for good weather and that my first attempt at a pinata functions as intended. I hope Keahi is happy with the end result. It took me hours and I didn't even add on the pectoral fins as he'd requested because I was just done. And I was out of tissue paper. So there.


Leah said...

It is pretty cool that your boys will have their entire lives recorded in you blog...sort of like Jim Carey in "The Truman Show"....

cailin said...

But less invasive. Except, I guess, I'm still broadcasting about his nose picking habits so maybe it's just as exposing.

Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

happy birthday (late) to Keahi. He was the cutest baby at our wedding. I also like him because he was born on a very good day (Enzo's due date. the date I wish I had given birth. the date I wished I had not gone over)

was hiss party fun? show pictures

p.s you guys so need to have more babies. I love the fun inquisitive boys you are raising

Keri and Aaron said...

Happy belated birthday to Keahi! Jada practiced her solo of "Happy Birthday" to sing to him on the phone for about 3 days before but when the actual day came, her rarely seen shyness came out. (It is there-just hiding most of the time). We hope he had a great day. And you'll have to let me know how the pinata turned out. I have been thinking about trying one too, but have some obvious reservations. Hope it all worked out.