Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Jarom's new school

Well, now that it's been a month since it started, I figured I ought to write about the non-joy school (in that we aren't doing the official Joy School thing that you pay for online, not that it isn't full of joy....most of the time) that some of us moms organized and how much Jarom loves it. Thursday is officially his favorite day of the week.
There are nine of us participating which means we each only have to teach or be the assistant occasionally and simply drop off our kid all the other times. I'm actually pretty excited for my turn. I have the letter J and we're doing jumping jacks and a jellyfish craft. Plus J-arom ought to love that day as well. He certainly loved his first day. For the rest of the week--and yes, he still does it now, a month later--he kept saying he was an Ant and crawling around looking for the anthill and wiggling his antennae. He still can't remember what the welcome song is--which is bad news for me because that means I don't know it for when it's my turn to teach--but he sure got fixated on ants, thank you Julie very much. And he can't stop talking about "his" preschool and he feels like such a big boy. I would have thought he'd enjoy Barns just as much but somehow that didn't make much of an impression. This week's Catterpillars was another big hit. Maybe it's a boys and bugs thing. He didn't do his craft at school so we did it together at home. I think it turned out pretty well. Of course, his big brother helped out as well--dictating the color pattern and the use of wacky tac to adhere the puffs.

I don't have any pics of the preschool (which we hold at the chapel since none of us has a place big enough for nine kids), but here are some from people who actually remember their cameras. One mom took solo pics of each kid to use in the school welcome house and the job chart. I can't wait to see them. These kids are so bright and adorable and I'm so glad Jarom gets to be a big kid with his buddies.

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