Friday, May 8, 2009

Extended Quote of the Day

I keep thinking I'll remember a funny thing the kids said and add it later but then I inevitably forget it so I'm not letting that happen this time. Here are two gems.

I love that my husband's only response to me saying at 10:30pm that I'm giving into obesity as I reach for yet another pint of ice cream is "Yes! Finally. Now I don't have to feel guilty myself." I think he'd love me if I were 300 lbs. But I don't plan to test that theory.

Tonight as I was putting Desitin on Jarom for the worst diaper rash he's ever had, He was complaining about me blowing on him. I apologized sorrowfully, explaining that it would feel better soon. Just doing what any mom would do when they see their child in pain. And Jarom responds, "Don't say sorry. You didn't give me an ouchie."

Wow. Men really don't grow into Martians. They're actually born there. How else is it that my 2 year old responds to my sorry-as-in-I'm-sorry-for-your-pain-not-admitting-to-any-responsibility the same way my husband does?


Mariko said...

Well, I guess they are half martian. Didn't you watch Earth Girls are Easy?

Robbie said...

I love your family! thanks for posting that little update. I miss coming over and you guys always had 10 flavors or Ben and Jerry's or Haagen Dahz in the freezer upstairs. :)

Maren said...

You should have been more specific with your "I'm sorry" lol Wow. And he's only two? I'm now fully convinced that yours and Iz's DNA equal a super-human race with IQ scores off the charts. 100% convinced.

Arron said...

Brilliant kids? They have my vote. Can you spare them a few minutes to finish my biostats assignment?