Monday, November 23, 2009

Birthday Blues

Well, the morning part really was the highlight of the entire day since the rest of the day consisted of managing a whinny, demanding Jarom on some kind of whine-intensification diet. By the time Iz got home I was so ready for bedtime. It didn't help that I was starting to feel sick. But we ate at Burger Pointe accross the street which was yummy and didn't involve me cooking and finished off with birthday cake--or rather an Apple Tartin from Trader Joes which was not as delectable as the blueberry tart. Then it was bedtime for the kiddies and Thursday night shows for the parents. Yup, we're pretty much addicted to tv. I was feeling pretty blue by this time. I kept thinking about Mariko's blog post from ages ago about how you somehow expect something--either good or bad--from the universe in acknowledgement of your birthday and all the mixed feelings that come with it. It probably didn't help that I knew my sister had recently had surgery and was feeling depressed and my mom called and talked with me for a while about how depressed she was now that the reality of her accident was sinking in and she knew she couldn't go back to work for months. So then I knew logically that I had no reason to be depressed since I hadn't had surgery and I could walk and everything. Which just made me feel guilty. So not the best birthday ever. Especially since the sickness really took hold and I couldn't do any of the fun things on Saturday for my birthday either--no sunrise on the beach with hot cocoa or time at the gym or a date later in the evening. And now it's Monday morning and I've finally gotten to the hacking-green-nastiness-in-great-big-coughs stage. So, woe is me. I'm not looking for a job or recovering from surgery or had a tree demolish my house (like the guy we visited last Tuesday for mutual). But woe is me.


Natalie R. said...

I'm so sorry your birthday didn't turn out better, that's so awful. I hope you get feeling better as soon as possible - maybe this coming Saturday you can get to do some of that fun stuff you didn't get to do two days ago. :0)

Natalie R. said...

P.S. Do you guys watch Fringe?? That's our favorite show right now - I love Thursdays! ;0)

Unknown said...

Everyone'e entitled to a little woe from time to time. It'll pass. Too bad we can't get Jerom and Morgan together-he could whine at her, she could scream at him, and we could drink tea whilst wearing earplugs.

Mariko said...

Actually, this is inspiring me to write another post about the universe and guilt.

I just heard about your mom and did Kervin take her to his house? Does she need help at her house?

MONTHS?! What? I thought it was just a few weeks! What are we going to do?! (yes, this is me feeling sorry for myself. Ha ha ha.) But really, I need some more INFO!!

If you come here for Christmas then we can celebrate for reals. Did I tell you we went to Tokkuri-tei and had Norichos (YES, fried nori nachos) and you would have so enjoyed it.

Melinda said...

maybe you do a birthday redo. this weekend. just throw that real birthday to the dogs, and start over. go big and go all out. and if that day doesn't work out, heck it wasn't your REAL birthday anyhow. you can try it again and again, until you're satisfied. you deserve all the happiest.
ps for some reason i can't listen to "jammin until the break of dawn" without thinking of iz. he's just got it goin on, and he's not even black. or blind!
pps sorry about your mom. what happened?