Thursday, March 18, 2010

We're Moving to Las Vegas!

Here we come Vegas. It was our first choice even though I've never been there--not even a layover at the airport. But we're all looking forward to some warm days in the sun. And being closer to Hawaii. So, anybody know anything about living in Vegas?


Mariko said...

Wow. Vegas?! I had no idea that was one of the possible three.
I'm really glad it's close to us. I mean, they're constantly having specials from Hawaii to Vegas, right? And you can drive to Southern Utah! YES!

I've been there. I thought it was kind of nasty because I'm not good with dry heat. But I have a very good friend who lived there for 5 years and loved it.

Bekah said...

congrats. i'm sure you'll love it there. you'll be able to get a sweet house since the market has been crazy there.

Melinda said...

you'll be fine. it's not forever even if you don't like it. i'm sure you'll miss being near tammy and lani. what fun you're having!!
ephraim mentioned my sister lives there. you should move into her ward! wouldn't that be great.

bentanelle said...

Congrats you guys! we are excited for you and I am sure you are relieved that the waiting is over!! You will like Vegas, my sister and her family live there and they love it! back to the heat, right!!

IZ said...

cheap deals from HI to LV? yes. Cheap deals from LV to HI? Eh, not so much.

So any HI peepols will have to come visit us. Just come in the winter, not so hot (still dry), and we can go snowboarding or something.

Leah said...


There is a Trader joes, it's close to Red Rocks climbing area, and Steven Pahia lives there!

5 hours from SLC, 10 hours from Jackson Hole!

There is a lot of sprawl, and shopping centers.

When do you guys get there?

Keri and Aaron said...

Congrats! Aaron is wondering what made it your first choice...just so we have some good ideas for next year. :) Aaron's dad just moved there, and I have a cousin there and one of my best friends from high school and BYUH lives there with her family. I may be able to get in contact with them and ask some questions if that would be helpful at all. Let me know.

Natalie R. said...

I actually have an uncle and aunt who have lived in Vegas for a very long time (as long as I remember). I'm sure they would be happy to give you a hand if you want - send me an email and I'll try to help you get a hold of them!

CONGRATS on the match!!!!! :0)

cailin said...

Hey, anybody who knows people in Vegas.......we'd love to pick their brains and hope somebody knows a good place for us that opens in June. We've never actually gone ahead to a place and looked at it before signing a lease. Crazy, huh.

Maren said...

You remember Kami (Crabtree) and Erwin Mendoza? Well they live in Vegas, and have for a while! Just had their 2nd boy in January! I'll email you her email address! :) Yay Vegas!

If I move back to San Diego, I'm totally visiting you guys! The Bellagio is my Disneyland!!! woohoo!

Darger Party of 3 said...

Cailin!!!! How are you!! And helloooo...Nicole is from LV and grew up there and her parents STILL live there. Miss you and hope you are well. I plan on reading you blog and getting caught up.

cailin said...

Hey, I totally forgot Nicole is from there. Well, we've found a house to rent for a year. Not in love with it. But it's close to Keahi's school and the grocery store so I can still walk about--when it's not meltingly hot. And I promise to recap everything.....when we get there. For now, it's pack-pack-pack.

Jesse said...

The black canyon is just immediately south of there, which is awesome kayaking and lots of hot springs. We spend four days kayaking that last summer. It's pretty awesome.