Sunday, May 30, 2010

Free Fudge

Nope. Sorry. I'm not offering free fudge to the first 10 people who comment on this post. I'm not that generous. Plus, with how infrequently I post it would take forever to get those ten comments. Though maybe for fudge....I mean, I'd respond to just about anything for that.

Which is why I walked into Sander's Candy Shop (just across the street from our house) about 15 min. after opening to get my free half pound of caramel pecan fudge. It was part of some promotional that Hallie Owens told me about at our relief society farewell party 2 days before this blessed event. The first 2010 people who walked into any of their 7 locations got fudge. That sounds like a lot of people but there was no way I was going to take any chances. The 15min after opening was Jarom's fault for taking so long to get ready. Doesn't he realize his mommy WANTS HER FUDGE?

And later I sent Iz out for his free half pound. He asked if we really needed more fudge. I paused for a moment, considering whether he was really my sweet tooth husband or some kind of impostor. And then I sent him out.

So now we have a full pound of yummy fudge. Except that was Friday and now it's Sunday morning and we ate the first half pound in a couple hours and now there's only 1/4 pound left. And another caveat: it wasn't exactly free. Even though they just handed me my box the moment I walked in I couldn't just leave without getting something, right? So leave it to Jarom to pick out a gummy candy that ended up being 2.50. Seriously? Is there a golden ticket inside that thing? And then Iz said that all three workers stared at him expectantly after delivering their free bribe and he ended up getting one scoop of their expensive ice cream (as in $3 for a tiny scoop). So, in the end we spent $5.50 on our fudge. With a gummy and ice cream as extras.

And no, Mariko, that half pound of fudge was not the only treat we had that day. And we're not even pregnant as an excuse.


beth said...

Seriously?! That's AWESOME! Hallie has gotten me some of the best free deals ever - I wonder where her magic comes from. And I know you said you wouldn't give free fudge to the first 10 people who replied, but maybe the first ONE? Just a thought...

Mariko said...

You say that as if I thought that eating 1/2 pound of fudge immediately is excessive!
Fudge is heavy! It was practically a morsel.