Thursday, November 22, 2007

Happy Birthday Daddy

So I've given up on picasa and decided to post unedited pics so everyone can see our raw photo quality. I apologize in advance.
So Israel's birthday couldn't have come at a better time. He had just finished up 2 major exams on Monday and was burnt out and in need of some serious R & R. I let hims leep in till 8 o'clock (hey, that's a big deal when compared to the usual 6:30) and the kids actually cooperated by being quiet through breakfast. After carting Keahi off to GAP for the day, I brought back chocolate milk and doughnuts for the birthday boy. I do love Nick's Doughnuts--definitely one of the highlights of Grenada. We also got smoothies during the hottest part of the day and had a mostly relaxing lunch at Da Big Fish. Eating out with only one kid is definitely superior to eating out with two. Jarom's roamings and his fascination with a worker's pair of shoes sitting by the counter just added zest to the meal.
Then while I prepared dinner, Keahi helped make a birthday crown for daddy which ended up looking a lot like an archbishop's hat. At first, he insisted that everyone wears a crown on someone's birthday but then conceded that daddy would feel more special with a crown just for him. Dinner went well and I discovered that won ton wrappers do make good ravioli pasta. A simple italian style cake rounded off the meal.
But of course that wasn't enough dessert for us. So after the kids were in bed and Cameron so generously came over, we headed out for some Ben and Jerry on the beach. The stars were bright and the waves soothing. A good day. But I think Iz's favorite part may have been the rare afternoon nap.


Damaris @Kitchen Corners said...

Happy birthday Iz!!!
A nap would be my choice of a birthday gift ANY DAY.

Loveless said...

Cute pics! Hope you had a great Thanksgiving!

ephraim said...

mmmm, I want the tasty doughnut-flavored doughnuts!

Bekah said...

Happy Birthday to my favorite housemate. Love you guys!

Mariko said...

Every time I try to leave a comment lately it gives me an error message, so I hope this one works.
I've missed your birthday yet again, but I think it's tradition enough to say that belated birthday fun is in order, and you'll be here soon. I can't wait! We'll be in Hawaii for Christmas this year-- lots of ultimate fris I hope.

IZ said...

Don't forget we have cailin's birthday to cekebrate as well. I'm just a lame husband, so I didn't post a post (redundant?). COme to think of it, I havn't posted one post yet. I'm lame all over! I don't know why it has been given error messages. It posted fine this time. Anyone else have this problem? If it keeps up, let me know, maybe there is something I can do with the comment settings. Thanks all for the B-day greetings :)

Anonymous said...

Hey guys,
Am I the last person to know where you're going to after Grenada? Of course...where ARE you going after Grenada? ;) I've been a regular reading here and love it :)

IZ said...

No lani, you are not the last person to know. In fact, we would have let everyone know at the same time via this blog and Mas Family Photo's. We will not find out until the 6th or 7th of dec, which stinks. But like I told Nate on facebook, there is a very good likelihood that we will be going to Grosse Pointe MI (area of detroit), so we would be close to you guys. I sure hope we get placed there! Anyway, we will let you guys know as soon as we know. But of course, in the immediate future we will be in hawaii for the next 5 months or so. How are Mo and Josh doing? What are their plans? Anyway, gotta go. IZ

cailin said...

how is it that i find out on our blog that we don't find out about michigan till the 6th or 7th. now i'm the last to know. oh wait, he posted this 10 minutes ago. guess i know what he's doing right now at school.