Thursday, January 8, 2009

Holiday Trip Part 2: Chicago A

Thirteen hours later we arrived in Chicago. Things of note on the drive:

While googlemaps said it would only take 11hours that's only drive time and unless you're traveling exclusively with young bachelors, you have to stop at least for bathroom breaks if not to eat. I'd heard about certain people's experiences peeing into bottles in the car but thought it prudent not to require this of either Keahi or popo. I exclude myself from this because of my preternatural ability to hold it and not because I was willing to be one of the guys.

Popo's portable dvd player was a godsend. While they didn't actually watch too many shows, each episode was a blessed brief break from Keahi's nonstop chatter and Jarom's mood swings between adorable happiness (when he'd say, "Mommy, I'm happy!") to cranky whininess (when he'd say "I want...I want...I want..." or, my personal favorite, "Waaaaaah!"). Popo was impressed with the sheer volume of opnions and thoughts Keahi liked to share with everyone.

Sliding in a vehicle on an icy road feels a lot like ice skating. Only you have even less control, are traveling much faster, and you can't just run yourself into the side walls without serious damage. Tom gave Iz quick pointers on the phone after our first experience sliding. Fortunately we didn't really slide again.

So we got there safely and were greeted with warm, helping arms full of stuff from our loaded trunk. After a quick dinner for the boys (hot dogs---actually they ate more hot dogs while in Chicago than they've ever had it in their lives before (because Keilani adores hot dogs and the tiny sweetheart is even more underweight than Keahi) which actually explains why Jarom had a hard time finishing his hot dog today), we sent them up to bed. Which reminds me about a key point of interest. The aerobed (a generic one and in this case apparently name matters) had sprung a leak and was deflating before our eyes. So what's there to do besides jump on it. The kids had a grand time bouncing around and then Tammy joined in to do some pretty entertaining launching of tiny children. But....when Iz got involved launching turned into something more like acrobatics.

And this was the second round. The first time he flew even higher. We told him we wouldn't do it again because he'd get hurt. At the end of this video (I wish I'd kept recording), he held his ear and laughing assured us, "See, I didn't get hurt." And then Iz launched Tammy up and over, crashing into the legs of the crib. What fun.

The next day the kids enjoyed playing in the snow outside until the bitter chill chased the adults--dragging the boys with us--indoors. At first Keilani was not a fan but she eventually warmed up to the cold. Keahi and Jarom were in snow heaven. Oh, and did I forget to mention that with wind chill it was 30 below? Yeah. And this is the day we picked for going around town. We only made it to Santa's Village for a quick photo op and then into Macy's for a rather lame letter to Santa gig that was hyped up far above its actual glamour. But the window displays were a big hit. Oh, and Iz was able to buy a couple of pairs of jeans since his (fairly new) ones ripped at the knee the night before. Not a good look for 30 below.

We ate leftover curry (from the massive amount Tammy thought was appropriate for company)and hung out in the warmth of the apartment and Iz and I looked forward to our ski trip the next day.


Robbie said...

wow. that bed acrobatics was so unexpected and amazing! Go Keahi! I'm glad you guys got to have a lot of fun experiences to make up for the long traveling with (sometimes) whiny kids. :)

Arron said...

Loved the video clip! I'm showing it to my friends in Chicago. We're hiding out inside while it is ungodly cold outside. They said it was warmer at the North Pole today. Why? Why oh why?

cailin said...

Ack. You're in Chicago? Sorry, dude. My 20 below experience was enough to keep me away except in the summer time.