Saturday, September 6, 2008

Can You Play?

I saw this on Bettina Grange's blog and thought it was fun.

Here are the directions:

1. As a comment on my blog, leave one memory that you and I had together. It doesn't matter if you knew me a little or a lot, anything you remember!

2. Next, re-post these instructions on your blog and see how many people leave a memory about you. It's actually pretty funny to see the responses. If you leave a memory about me, I'll assume you're playing the game and I'll come to your blog and leave one about you. If you don't want to play on your blog, or if you don't have a blog, I'll leave my memory of you in my comments.


Arron said...

Wow, when you update your blog you really go for it! Took me a 1/2 hour to read through all of it.

My favorite memory of you. There are so many. Picking one seems so unfair. How about this:

During one of our visits to the Big Island we went to Rainbow Falls. Actually, I think we went to Rainbow Falls both times. If I remember right the first time the water was coming over the edge pretty good, making it too rough to swim in the pool below the falls. The second time, however, the waterfall looked more like someone left the garden hose on. We were intrigued by the tranquility of the pool and decided to swim out to the base of the falls.

I'm still not sure if you are actually a good swimmer or not, but for some reason you decided to just lay on your back, put your hands straight behind your head and kick. How you could even tell where you were going is beyond me. I can't say that I am any better of a swimmer, but we all made it there and back fine.

A little side note, my Picture of the Month emails actually started with a picture of you in full lay-and-kick mode.

I'm so glad I got to be your friend. My memories of all that we've done together always bring a smile to my face.


beth said...

Learning to cook so many things just by watching you grocery shop.

"Smile, you're burning butter!"

Potluck and Talisman nights at the GAP.

Unknown said...

Laughter. Lots and lots and lots of laughter. Pink poofs and sequins. Many yards of chiffon--some by choice, some REALLY not. You let me make your prom dress, which in restrospect may not have been the best decision on your part ;). But it was fun!

Robbie said...

Garage sale-ing in Hawaii Kai with the girls for your bday and then going to Boston's Pizza. Then later going garage sale-ing in Mililani with you and Keahi, before Jarom was born, and finding my whole set of Anne of Green Gables books (but not finding a good car seat to take on the plane, sadly)! And going to Costco and the tire popped right before we got there. But it was a fun town trip anyways. You're so fun. I miss you!

Leah said...

sitting on your porch eating 7-layer bean dip (in 8th grade?), and questioning why God didn't make "thinking" burn more calories than exercise. If he did, all the GT kids would have hot bods, and it would be easy to pick out intelligent presidential candidates....