Friday, August 22, 2008


This is a very big weekend for me. We're moving into our new place--meaning uhaul truck on Saturday, clean up on Sunday, and check out Monday, Iz and I are talking in sacrament meeting, and I've got sharing time--my first one here. There are a million things to do and yet here I am on the blog. I just posted, what, 4 new messages including this lame excuse of a post. I just checked on a few other people's blogs and still can't seem to pull myself away to get to my to do list. But I guess when I'm writing about procrastinating as a way of procrastinating I've really hit bottom and it's time to get back into the thick of it. Sigh. Wish me luck.

Oh and as another not productive--but very fun--maneuver, we went to the Bronx Zoo today with Nicole and little Caleb. So yeah, I'll be back later tonight to blog about that. Tomorrow's looking busier and busier.

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